In recent years, webinars have become a common, if not a standard, approach for individuals and institutions to disseminate information to a wide audience that is able to participate remotely. Short for web-based seminar, webinars can cover an indefinite number of topics and can be organized in a variety of manners. Many include a “question and answer” (Q&A) segment during which audience members can petition hosts to clarify, expand upon, or otherwise assist with questions that remain. As would be the case in any information-dissemination event, it is presumably important to all parties involved that these questions are handled in a satisfactory manner and that the responses given by the webinar hosts are understandable for the audience. With this in mind, the million-dollar question for anyone putting the time and resources into giving a webinar is: What precisely can hosts do when interacting with their audience to ensure an effective, informative, and engaging Q&A experience?...
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